A modern JS app (V.I): updating our GraphQL schema and API for search & pagination
Part 5.1: In this short post, we'll update our backend's GraphQL schema and API to allow searching, sorting, and pagination of our entities
A modern JS app (V): building our frontend with React, Redux, Saga, and Apollo
Part 5: In this post, we'll take a deep dive into the React/Redux ecosystem with libraries such as redux-saga and redux-little-router to build our booking site's frontend. We'll use Apollo to facilitate our API's GraphQL requests, and we'll build our app state with Immutable data-structures.
A modern JS app (IV): microservices with Seneca.js
Part 4: In this post, we'll finalize our backend architecture by integrating SenecaJS, which will facilitate our service communication, allowing us to concentrate on business logic. Our backend will be a web of services, each of which has a single responsibility and will communicate in a uniform manner with one another.
A modern JS app (III): backend architecture
Part 3: In this post, we'll continue setting up our backend by bringing GraphQL and Mongo into the mix. At the end, our client will be speaking GraphQL and our backend will perform C.R.U.D. operations at a 5th grade level.
A modern JS app (II): E.T. phones the backend
Part 2: In this post, we'll set up our Node backend to be able to handle requests. At the end, our frontend will be able to send simple a request to the backend and display the response on screen.